Wednesday, February 28, 2007

iPod stolen? Have it phone home!

Gadget Trak is a new device that allows owners of USB gadgets, like MP3 players, digital cameras, thumb drives, etc., to track them if they are stolen. When the device is stolenyou log into Gadget Trak's and flag it as lost or stolen. The next time the device is plugged into a computer it sends the owner of the device info about that system like IP address, location, username and computer name and more.

I think this technology is very innovative and necessary since most people own USB gadgets. Also, iPods and other MP3 players keep getting smaller and almost everybody on campus owns one; hence, they become prime targets for thieves. What I like most about Gadget Trak is that it is a free service. The thing I least like is that it only tracks gadgets that are connected to a PC with Windows XP. I guess they are hoping that the person who steals your device doesn't own a Mac, or a firewall for that matter.

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